Real Men Ministries

Real Men Ministries
We help men discover and fulfill their God-given purpose in life.
Small Groups Meet Every Week
Our small groups meet weekly, different groups at different times depending on the needs of the men involved. These groups are designed to provide accountability, fellowship, and growth as the men walk out their spiritual journeys together.
Special Events Every Month
Along with our weekly small groups, we host different special events throughout the month. Whether we’re organizing a camping weekend for the men of VWC or hosting a movie night for everyone at the church, fun and fellowship is guaranteed!
Interested in joining Real Men Ministries?

Iron Sharpens Iron
Real Men’s Ministries is dedicated to bringing up men in the identity of God, growing together, and challenging each other to be strong in character- rooted in prayer, wisdom, and compassion. Our belief is that men hold a weighty ability to impact communities by starting within their own homes and families. We aspire to walk in courage and valor, with absolute kindness and humility. Gathering monthly for various fellowship opportunities, we cultivate friendship and seek to support each other in discovering our identity and purpose, as Real Men of God.